Overnight Care for Seniors in Plano, TX

At Home Physical Therapy for Seniors

Overnight Care Explained Overnight care for seniors is a specialized service that ensures constant support and comfort during the nighttime hours, offering peace of mind to both seniors and their families. Typically, seniors who require overnight care are those with progressive medical conditions or those whose primary caregivers need respite.  The need for overnight care […]

Benefits of Speech Therapy After Stroke

Stroke and Speech Therapy Statistics show that a significant number of Americans aged 60 and older have either suffered from a stroke or provide care for a loved one who has experienced a stroke. Understanding the leading causes, risk factors, and warning signs of a stroke is crucial. Speech is often impacted by a Stroke, […]

The Importance of Physical Therapy After A Stroke

Physical Therapy After A Stroke

What is a Stroke? A stroke is an event that causes a disruption of either blood flow or oxygen supply to the brain. The symptoms of a stroke can range from mild to severe, and impact a person’s neurological, speech, and physical abilities. Symptoms of Stroke Why is Post-Stroke Care so important? Care Options The […]