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If you are searching for 24 hour care options for an elderly/senior person in the Dallas – Fort Worth TX area, then live in care could be an option with the least amount of exposure risk to COVID – 19.  Receiving 24/7 elderly/senior care outside of ones residence will typically involve a congregate setting such as a nursing home, or assisted living.  As good as many of these facilities are in the Dallas – Fort Worth TX area, they do currently represent one of the higher risk environments for COVID-19 exposure.  Live in care in your own home often provides the needed 24 hour care without this higher risk.

Live in home care for elderly/seniors often doesn’t entail someone moving into your home. In many cases, 24/7 home care agencies, such as Care Mountain, in the Dallas – Fort Worth Metroplex offer two caregivers for a client each staying on average 3 1/2 days each week – same two caregivers each week and no one moves in.  Live in home care reduces the risk of COVID-19 exposure through greater client control and a stronger caregiver commitment that often develops with the client.

When you are living in your own place, versus someone else’s, you can control a lot more aspects of your environment.  This allows you to set personal standards of a comfortable level of risk for you.  For most elderly/seniors their biggest risk of exposure will be from visitors, and with live in care you will find a lot more control over this with the caregivers you choose for your care, and anyone else that comes into your home environment.

When choosing your live in caregivers, get to know as much as you can about them to determine if they will be the right fit for you.  This includes assessing the level of risk they pose to you for COVID – 19.  Since these caregivers will be earning a material amount of compensation from you, you are more likely able to set risk mitigation requirements on them that you could not do with other caregivers.  For example, it is common to require that outside of work with you that they are not working in a higher COVID-19 risk exposure environment such as a nursing home, assisted living or hospital.  Some also require that the caregiver not work with any other clients.

The considerable amount of time a live in caregiver spends with a client usually leads to a very deep personal commitment to that client.  This usually leads the caregiver to accept a higher level of risk aversion to anything that may pose a health threat to the client.  Also, by having a closer relationship with the live in caregiver the client can also be more proactive in recognizing and avoiding anything of concern he/she may hear about in the caregiver’s personal life.

A subgroup of the elderly/senior population with one of the highest COVID-19 risks is that group needing in-home care with some form of progressive dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, mixed dementia, Parkinsonism related dementia and frontal temporal dementia. For them, live in care may result in one of the biggest risk mitigation actions for COVID-19 exposure.  If you are receiving services from any one of the following organizations, there is a good chance live in care can be equally beneficial:  Dallas & Northeast Texas Chapter – Alzheimer’s Association, North Central Texas Chapter – Alzheimer’s Association, ALS Association Texas Chapter, American Parkinson’s Disease Association, Multiple Sclerosis Society, American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association.

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2020-08-14 08:01:30

Live In Care For Elderly/Seniors In The Dallas – Fort Worth Area: How It Can Reduce The Risk of COVID-19 Exposure